Global Laboratory Medicine: Providing a Lens for Global Health

Global Laboratory Medicine: Providing a Lens for Global Health

Sarah Brown Riley

The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine


Here is the link to our survey study Sarah Riley refers to…

This article is a benchmarking study on the availability of WHO EDL diagnostics in Ghana’s Northern region, which is quite limited, as similar studies in other LMICs have found. We also looked at reimbursement of each test by Ghana’s National Health Insurance and compared to out-of-pocket prices and found availability to be negatively correlated with that gap. NHIS reimbursements do not vary much between tests even though costs/prices can be quite different.

Ward_TestAvail_Prices_Ghana.pdf (365.0 KB)

We also presented a case study on Buruli ulcer in Ghana and the need for strengthening diagnostic capacity (and developing new diagnostics to facilitate detection of early disease).

Abdul-Karim_BU_Ghana.pdf (167.9 KB)