Molbio Launches EDGE: A Transformative Scale Up Partnership Program for Healthcare Innovation

Molbio Launches EDGE: A Transformative Scale Up Partnership Program for Healthcare Innovation

EDGE, Molbio’s innovative scaleup partnership program dedicated to accelerating game-changing healthcare technologies.

EDGE is a two-step journey:

Competitive Cohort Selection: We’ll rigorously select high-potential startups and SMEs with groundbreaking solutions in rapid POC for high sensitivity immunodiagnostics and early cancer detection.

High-Touch Engagement & Potential Partnership: Over 12 weeks, selected participants will receive intensive mentorship, resources, and expertise from Molbio’s team of seasoned professionals. This culminates in the opportunity to forge co-development, manufacturing, or global sales partnerships with Molbio.

Why join EDGE?

Bridge the Valleys of Death: Overcome critical hurdles in product development, translation, and scaleup with Molbio’s guidance and support.

Gain Global Reach: Leverage Molbio’s extensive network and expertise to bring your innovation to a worldwide audience.

Make a Real Impact: Contribute to the mission of equitable & accessible healthcare by delivering solutions that truly matter.

