Update of WHO TB diagnostic guidelines: Call for public comment

WHO is convening a Guideline Development Group in December 2019, to assess available evidence on three molecular assays - Xpert, Xpert Ultra and Molbio TrueNat for the diagnosis of active TB (PTB and EPTB) and rifampicin-resistance in adults, adolescents and children with signs and symptoms of TB, as well as people being screened for TB.

In the interest of transparency regarding the ongoing development of guidelines, WHO is organizing an exceptional public comment process to share details about the preparatory work ahead of the update of the WHO TB diagnostic guidelines, and seeks comments on the scope of this work. Feedback can be submitted by registering here https://extranet.who.int/dataform/789325?lang=en by 26th September 2019.

The magic innovations of GeneXpert MTB RIF assay has safe life in Africa ,due to research capacity gap the evidence not yet sufficiently sensitized .Altra GX most can try not yet sufficiently transfer to this plat form .for the emerging technology like Ttrunat it is in the phase of clinical trial hence we don’t expect much information about the role and impact of this technology ,in most case the recon factions only based on sensitivity and specificity but it is good to consider the sensibility of the emerging technology by the end user!

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