Novel strategy for malaria drug resistance surveillance

This study serves as a proof of concept for using leftover clinical material (used RDTs) for large-scale molecular surveillance, encompassing the inherent complications regarding to methodology and analysis when doing so. Factors such as RDT storage prior to DNA extraction and parasitaemia of the infection are likely to have an effect on whether or not parasite DNA can be successfully analysed, and are considered part of the reason the data yield is suboptimal. However, given the necessity of molecular surveillance of anti-malarial resistance in settings where poor infrastructure, poor economy, lack of educated staff and even surges of political instability remain major obstacles to performing clinical studies, obtaining the necessary data from used RDTs, despite suboptimal output, becomes a feasible, affordable and hence a justifiable method.

Nag et al. - 2019 - Proof of concept used malaria rapid diagnostic tests applied for parallel sequencing for surveillance of molecular-annotated.pdf (2.2 MB)